2012년 6월 12일 화요일

Good Reading Activities: (3) THE KOREA TIMES

On the site of "THE KOREA TIMES", you can read the articles and translated ones, and listen to ones.
The language of the reading activities depends on what articles about, so the learners had better choose what to read appropriate to their level. And there's no means of matching the learners to the appropriate level of language.
Most articles are written in 5Ws, so the activities help learners focus on 5Ws in reading.
There are translated script and computerized voice in male and female which reads the article.
News article is one of the best method of discussion so guides learners to work with classmates and contribute to online discussions.
There's no explicit instruction to teach specific linguistic points found in the texts because the site just show the articles. But using them, related materials help you pre-teach and develop follow-up activities.
Learners can type replies below the articles.
There's no evaluation to check learning outcomes.
The activities really promote good language learning and reading strategies.
Also the activities provide guidance in helping learners develop strategies that will help them work with electronic texts outside of class.

Good Reading Activities: (2) Project Gutenberg



Project Gutenberg is the place where you can download over 30,000 free ebooks to read on your PC, iPhone, Kindle, Sony Reader or other portable device. It's the first digital library which was made as a project mainly by Michael S. Hart who was a student of the University of Illinois in 1971.
The language of the reading activities may fit the learners according to the level of ebooks or learners.
Learners can choose ebooks which they want to read so the program provide a means of matching the learners to the appropriate level of language.
The activities depends on how learners read ebooks so it's doubtful if they help learners focus on particular linguistic aspects of the reading.
The activities provide opportunities for learners to interact with the computer to receive help.
There's no activities guiding learners to work with classmates and contribute to "online discussions". But it can be helpful if there's collaborative activities based on the materials.
There's no teaching methods with ebooks. But there's some programs with materials to help you pre-teach and develop follow-up activities such as listening activities.
The activities provide feedback to learners about their responses. For example, you can donate, volunteer or ask the missing contents in ebooks.
There's no evaluation such as quizzes.
With accessability to many kinds of ebooks, the activities promote good language learning and reading strategies.
You can "download" ebooks so the activities provide guidance in helping learners develop strategies that will help them work with electronic texts outside of class.

Good Reading Activities: (1) Common Errors in English Usage

This site arranges grammatic errors which English learners usually make. With brief contents, it's easy to read them and helps learners recognize the differences in the errors when reading.
The language of the reading activities isn't difficult to learners so given program matches the learners to the appropriate level of language.
It focuses on particular errors.
Because it just shows the errors usually made by learners there's no interaction with the computer to receive help.
There's no guidance for learners to work with classmates and contribute to online discussions. But there could be collaborative activities if they are developed.
The activities provide explicit instruction to teach specific linguistic points found in the texts. But there's no program which comes with materials to help you pre-teach and develop follow-up activities.
There's no bulletin board for users so feedback can't be made about learners' responses
Also there's no program providing evaluation of learning outcomes through quizzes.
The activities promote good language learning and reading strategies, especially how to find and correct errors.
Also learners can easily access to the list of errors on the site so it helps them work with electronic texts outside of class.

2012년 6월 8일 금요일

Won Buddhism to bring ethics to G20 politics

Article Date
11-05-2010 16:37
Scrap Date
11-02-2010 19:25
Won Buddhism to bring ethics to G20 politics
Won Buddhism of Manhattan, a U.N.-accredited NGO, opens the second annual G20 Universal Ethics Summit in Seoul, Sunday.
By Ines Min
Won Buddhism of Manhattan, a U.N.-*accredited NGO, opens the second annual G20 Universal Ethics Summit in Seoul, Sunday.
The seven-day, *multi-faceted event looks to bring a return of global focus to ethics and leadership principles. The religion and culture summit seeks to *recalibrate the fundamental goals of influential figures in order to avoid further economic crises.
Comprising of lectures, panels and an inter-religious retreat, more than 60 participants are expected to attend the events of the G20 Universal Ethics Summit. The international meeting’s highlights are divided into three days of focused discussion, while the retreat lasts for longer than the duration of the activities.
The “G20 Moral Politics” forum opens Nov. 9 in Highwon Village at 9 a.m. The first full day of events will focus on creating a *draft statement on ethics for the eventual signing by 25 leaders of countries. Ven. Dr. Chung Ok-lee, executive director of the U.N. Affairs and Interreligious Work office of Won Buddhism, will provide a welcoming address, while opening remarks will be given by Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Sung-won, and Minister of Culture and Tourism Yoo In-chon.
Nov. 10 sees the opening of the “G20 Women Leaders Summit” at the Eundeok Culture Center at 9 a.m. Minister of Women and Family Baek Hee-young will welcome the audience, along with Kim Hae-sook, associate professor of sociology at the Long Island University. Keynote speakers include Monica Willard, a U.N. representative of the United Religions Initiative, along with Ewha Womans University professor Dr. Chang Pil-hwa.
“G20 Dialogue Among Civilizations, Cultures and Religions” opens Nov. 11, the first day of the official G20 summit in Seoul, at the Won Buddhism Headquarters in Iksan Holy Land, North Jeolla Province, at noon. President of Wonkwang University Na Young-ho will welcome guests, while speakers range from Dr. Lucinda Allen Mosher, interreligious relations consultant and educator, to Rev. John Baldock of the Saint John’s Anglican Church in Australia.
Other noted guests include Dr. Paul Chaleff, professor of fine arts at Hofstra University; Carman Moore, composer and conductor of 21st century spirituality; and Masami Saionji, president of the Goi Peace Foundation in Japan. The retreat will be held at the Iksan Holy Land from Sunday to Nov. 13.
Won Buddhism is an indigenous modern branch of Korean Buddhism and the official New York office was established in 1992, in order to socially engage in cultural and societal issues. The religion was founded by Sotaesan in the early 20th century. A representative of the religious *sect previously occupied the position of President of Religious NGS at the United Nations.
My Opinion
As a Won Buddhist, I'm glad to read this article. Won Buddhism takes the initiative for being in harmony with other religion. Inter-religion harmony is so important that global villagers can be united. That's because not only obeying religious principle but also creating international moral principle is inevitable. Taking this opportunity, I hope that everyone becomes united.
*accredit : a. 인정된
*multi-faceted : a. 다방면의
*recalibrate : vt. 재조정하다
*draft statement : 선언문
*sect : n. 종파
Important sentence structure
reference materials
Participants of the inaugural G20 Universal Ethics Summit gather for the event at the U.N. Headquarters in Manhattan in April 2000. The second event takes place from Sunday through Nov. 13, in Seoul and North Jeolla Province, to seek a common ground within the ethical and religious realms for a stabler economic outlook. / Courtesy of Won Buddhism of Manhattan

2012년 6월 1일 금요일

Big trade surplus offset by weak outlook

Article Date
11-01-2010 17:18
Scrap Date
11-01-2010 20:18
Big trade surplus offset by weak outlook
Korea’s trade surplus hit a new monthly high last month as exports expanded at a much faster pace than imports on the back of strong performance of semiconductors and automobiles, a government report showed Monday.
By Kim Jae-won
Korea’s trade surplus hit a new monthly high last month as exports expanded at a much faster pace than imports on the back of strong performance of semiconductors and automobiles, a government report showed Monday.
However, *HSBC’s purchasing managers’ index, better known as *PMI, said that new orders are dwindling, manufacturing productivity slipping and employment’s increase rate slowing, meaning that Korea Inc.’s recovery may be *hitting snags.
The nation’s trade surplus reached a record $6.91 billion in October, up 52.5 percent from $4.53 billion recorded the previous month, according to the report by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy. The previous monthly record was $6.67 billion set in June.
Exports led the remarkable record spiking 29.9 percent from a year earlier to a new monthly high of $44.12 billion, while imports rose by 22.4 percent year on year to $37.21 billion.
The country’s trade balance has *stayed in the black for nine *consecutive months. The trade surplus for the first 10 months of the year totaled $35.97 billion.
"The trade surplus of October is a new monthly record and the country's annual trade surplus is also expected to surpass last year's $40.4 billion, a record," Kim Kyung-shik, head of trade and investment team of the ministry, said at a *briefing for the press.
The ministry said exports went up from the previous month as shipments of semiconductors, automobiles and parts, information technology-related products and mobile communication devices remained brisk.
*Outbound shipments of auto parts jumped 50.1 percent from a year before with exports of mobile communication devices growing 1.5 percent on strong overseas demand for new smartphones, marking the first positive growth in the year.
However, HSBC’s PMI, an indicator of the economic health of the manufacturing sector, pointed to an ongoing *deterioration in business sentiment.
The PMI of the fourth largest economy in Asia fell to 46.7 last month, down 2.1 from the previous month. It was the second month in a row that Korea’s PMI has *dipped below a neutral 50. Five factors ― new orders, supplier deliveries, employment increase rate, inventory and output ― are used in the PMI indicator. Any number above 50 means a brighter outlook than below.
HSBC said despite the nation’s *robust growth in exports, Korean companies are facing evident margin pressures.
“According to HSBC’s PMI, input prices *edged up again while output prices fell below 50 for the first time during 2010,” said Kim Song-yi, an economist of HSBC’s Hong Kong office at a report.
Kim said Korea faces danger of inflation problem as companies are tempted to transfer their costs to the price of products.
“Input prices remain high due to rising international commodity prices and wages. At some point, firms may seek to pass on higher input costs, which could present a major inflation problem for the Bank of Korea,” she said.
My Opinion
I'm not that good at economics, but from this article, I understand Korean economic condition is on average looking up. Compared to last some months, Korea goes into the black. Despite global economic depression, Korea copes with the situation in its way. I hope that not only Korea, but other countries put forth their strength.
*HSBC : 홍콩·상하이 은행
(Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)
*PMI : 구매자 관리 지수
(Purchasing Managers’ Index)
*hit a snag : 장애에 부딪치다
*stay in the black : 흑자를 유지하다
*consecutive : a. 연속적인
*briefing : n. 상황 설명
*outbound : a. 외국행의
*deterioration : n. 퇴보
*dip below : 밑으로 떨어지다
*robust : a. 강건한
*edge up : 차츰 다가서다
Important sentence structure
reference materials

2012년 5월 25일 금요일

Alonso snatches Korean Grand Prix champion

Article Date
10-24-2010 20:37
Scrap Date
10-24-2010 23:30
Alonso snatches Korean Grand Prix champion
YEONGAM, South Jeolla Province — In a postponed Formula One Korean Grand Prix due to rain Fernando Alonso of Ferrari clinched the top podium with a time of two hours 48 minutes 20.810 seconds.
By Yoon Chul
YEONGAM, South Jeolla Province — In a postponed Formula One Korean Grand Prix due to rain Fernando Alonso of Ferrari *clinched the top *podium with a time of two hours 48 minutes 20.810 seconds. Alonso captured the win in front of about 80,000 spectators in Yeongam, South Jeolla Province, Sunday as *pole-positioner and race leader Sebastian Vettel of Red Bull had to retire due to a blown engine on 46 of 55-lap race.
It is Alonso’s fifth victory of the season — the most among drivers — and the Spanish driver took the lead in the F1 championship points with two more Grand Prix left.
“This is the first wet race that I won, so I am even happier,” Alonso said.
“Nothing changes. It was bad luck for Mark and Sebastian but anything can happen in the next two races,” added Alonso.
Alonso shared second with 206 before the Korean GP but his 25 winning points for 231 overwhelmed Mark Webber of Red Bull, who was first with 220 but failed to score.
“Totally my mistake. Wasn’t my day,” Webber told the BBC. “This is my second non-finish of the year. There are still two races to go, I’ll do my absolute best.”
Lewis Hamilton of McLaren finished second, which made him third in the championship standings with 210 and another Ferrari driver Felipe Massa came in at third.
Seven time world champion Michael Schumacher of Mercedes GP finished fourth — equalizing his best record of the season.
Because of rain on the newly launched Korea International Circuit, the race was in chaos and nine drivers couldn’t finish the race including two Red Bull drivers Webber and Vettel.
The race was halted for about an hour and the restarted race was led by the safety car for 17 laps.
Unable to overcome the difficult condition former championship leader Webber *spun out in the 19th lap.
The Australian racer lost control of his car spinning, and being hit by Nico Rosberg of Mercedes GP at turn 13.
Fernando Alonso of Ferrari, who was third-sitter, retook the chance to overtake Sebastian Vettel of Red Bull.
Alonso was about 12 seconds behind Vettel but the second safety car’s appearance erased the gap.
But Vettel, who is one of the best drivers in the rainy day races re-extended the gap with follower, Alonso.
As many drivers kept losing control on the slippery track the safety car *dispatched few times more and it shortened the gap with Vettel every time.
But the 23-year-old aggressive driver never gave up his position for a long time.
At the beginning of 46th lap, however, Alonso overtook the top position as Vettel’s machine slowed on the start-finish straight and was suddenly on fire and he had to retire from the game.
My Opinion
It's said that there are three big sports game. World Cup, Olympics, and Formula One. World Cup and Olympics are well known to Korea as the host country of both of them. But Formula One is not that known to many of us. By the way, Yeongam, my parents' hometown, decided to host Formula One. Many people doubt if it can be popular or beneficial because the admission fee is so expensive that not many people can watch the race. Nonetheless, many public and government-led campaigns succeed in introducing the F1 to the public and hosting the F1. Finally, all of three games were held in Korea.
*clinch : vt. 못박다
*podium : n. 맨 밑바닥의 토대석(土臺石)
*pole-positioner : n. 유리한 입장에 있는 사람
*spin out : (차가 고속으로 커브를 돌 때의) 도로에서 튀어나가다
*dispatch : vi. (일 따위를) 급히 해치우다, 신속히 처리하다
Important sentence structure
reference materials
Fernando Alonso of Spain holds his trophy aloft after winning the Korean Grand Prix on the Korean International Circuit in Yeongam, South Jeolla Province, Sunday.

2012년 5월 18일 금요일

Heir 6th most powerful man in North Korea

Article Date
10-11-2010 19:46
Scrap Date
10-12-2010 6:54
Heir 6th most powerful man in North Korea
North Korean heir Kim Jong-un, the youngest son of leader Kim Jong-il, has risen to become the sixth-most powerful figure in the country.
North Korean heir Kim Jong-un, the youngest son of leader Kim Jong-il, has risen to become the sixth-most powerful *figure in the country, Japan’s Kyodo News Agency reported Sunday.
★Reports by the North’s state-run media since Kim, thought to be 27, was officially made *heir apparent have mentioned him fifth in the order of names listed ― interpreted by some as being in direct correlation to his rank. On the lists he followed his father; Kim Yong-nam, president of the *Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly; Premier Choe Yong-rim; and Ri Yong-ho, chief of the general staff of the Korean People's Army.
But according to Kyodo ― who sent a reporter to Pyongyang over the weekend to cover the massive celebration marking the 65th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Workers’ Party ― Jong-un also ranks behind Vice Army Marshall Jo Myong-rok, who is currently on sick leave.
The high-ranking figures, with the exception of the heir apparent, comprise the ultra-exclusive standing committee of the party’s political *bureau, headed by the elder Kim.
According to the report, Jo is currently sick, and upon his return, will take the fifth slot among the power *echelon, *bumping Jong-un to sixth.
The observation came on the same day that the leader-in-waiting made his public debut in Pyongyang, observing a massive military parade at his father’s side. The event was *broadcast on live television throughout the country, and even had the rare presence of foreign journalists, *underscoring the magnitude of the event.
On Friday, Yang Hyong-sop, a senior North Korean official, confirmed the power succession in an interview with the Associated Press Television News, saying that North Koreans have “the honor of serving the young Gen. Kim Jong-un.”
The younger Kim was elevated to four-star general status and given a key *post at a rare party gathering late last month, signaling his designation as successor. Analysts say the process to make him leader is being fast tracked due to the *deteriorating health of his 68-year-old father.
My Opinion
Because of the conflict of liberalism and communism, many people hurt or died and many wars frequently broke out. These disputes also reached Korea, and the terrible sight has remained by these days.
We know how hurtful it was and take the initiative to alleviate the pain. By the way, Kim Jeong-eun, Kim Jeong-il's son, gonna be his heir. Racial vicious circle keeps repeating. According to articles, the son of Kim may be more stubborn than his father. How can it happen?
*figure : n. (보통 수식어와 함께) (중요한) 인물; 명사(名士)
*heir apparent : 법정 상속인
*Presidium : n. (the ∼; 종종 the P-) (공산주의 국가의) 상임 간부회
*bureau : n. [美] (관청의) 국(局)([英] department)
*echelon : n. (종종 pl.) (지휘 계통·조직 등의) 단계, 계층
*bump : vt. (속어) (자리를 대신 차지하여) 밀어내다(oust)
*broadcast : a. (한정용법으로) 방송의, 방송된[될]
*underscore : vt. 강조하다
*post : n. 지위; 근무처; 직
*deteriorate : vt. (질·건강·날씨 등이) 나빠지다, 악화[저하]하다,
Important sentence structure
(by the North’s state-run media) 부사절[since , [who had been thought to be 27], officially made ] fifth (in the order of names [which have been listed]) ― [(=and it is) interpreted (by some) 전치사as 명사구[being (in direct correlation) (to his rank)]].
→27살로 여겨지는 김정은이 공식적으로 법정 상속인이 된 이래로 북한 국영 언론의 기사는 그의 이름이 서열 5위에 올려져있다고 언급했는데, 이것은 그의 서열에 직접적인 상관관계가 있다고 해석된다.
-interpret A as B : A를 B로 해석하다.
reference materials

2012년 5월 11일 금요일

Magnet affects handedness

Article Date
10-01-2010 00:25
Scrap Date
10-6-2010 7:15
Magnet affects handedness
The experiment, conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, has proved a powerful magnetic field placed near the head, a person can be turned from right to left-handed.
★Britain’s “Daily Mail” reported Sept. 28 that an experiment has proved a powerful magnetic field placed near the head, a person can be turned from right to left-handed.
The experiment, conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, observed the effect a magnet had when it was placed on the right and left sides of the head while right-handed subjects reached for an object with one hand of their choice.
The result showed that there was no significant difference when the magnet was on the right side, while placing it on the left side caused more frequent use of the left hand.
Such a phenomenon is called “*trans-cranial magnetic stimulation,” where a weak current is generated in the brain by the magnetic field, interrupting the regular function of nearby brain cells.
“We found that in situations where people are almost equally likely to use their left or right hand we can make them use their left hand more by stimulating this part of the brain,” said Dr. Flavio Oliveira, who was in charge of the study. “We are handicapping one of the hands so that the other one wins.”
The main purpose of the experiment was to see how brain functions when a simple task such as grabbing a pencil or pushing a button was carried out.
My Opinion
How interesting! It's surprising that simple scientific theory can change someone's nature. If left-handed person put the magnet on his or her right side, everyday life could be more comfortable. Someone could kick a ball with the right foot or shake by the right hand.
But artificial change could be dangerous if it became excessive. Possibly, changed person can be confused to choose which hand to use. That's because in some cases, right or left hand shouldn't be used for manners.
It's easy to change our given things with technology in a day. However, it's hard to take responsibility for the results. Thanks to this technology, I speculate about my nature.
*trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) : 경두개 자기 자극
Important sentence structure
(Sept. 28) 목적어절[that 목적어절[that [when is (near the head)], (from right to left-handed)]].
→9월 28일(현지시간) 영국의 일간지 ‘데일리메일’은 강한 자기가 흘러나오는 자석을 뇌에 가까이 할 경우 뇌에 잠시 혼란을 일으켜 오른손잡이가 왼손잡이로 변한다는 것이 실험을 통하여 밝혀졌다고 보도했다.
- Adverb Clause → Participial Construction
①Ellipsis of Conjunctive
②Ellipsis of the Subject
(The Subject of Subordinate Clause = The Subject of Main Clause)
③Ellipsis of 'be' verb
(If possible, when a subjective complement of a subordinate clause is an
adjective, 'be' verb isn't omitted.)
reference materials

2012년 5월 4일 금요일

South Korea wins U-17 Women's World Cup

Article Date
09-26-2010 09:56
Scrap Date
09-30-2010 16:33
South Korea wins U-17 Women's World Cup
South Korea won U-17 Women's world Cup for the first time by beating Japan in a 5-4 penalty shootout at Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Sunday.
South Korea captured the U-17 Women’s World Cup for the first time by beating Japan in a 5-4 penalty shootout at Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Sunday.
The match was *neck-and-neck and went to a shootout after a 3-3 score line after extra time. It also *enthralled the nation as it was the first time South Korea emerged victorious in a FIFA-sponsored tournament for either men or women.
South Korean forward Yeo Min-ji’s eight goals saw her claim the Golden Ball and Golden Boot awards, as the best player and top scorer, becoming the first South Korean player to receive both prizes at an international tournament.
"Though I was in very poor condition today, I did my best," she said after the match. She expressed her hope to become a greater player in the future by making up her weaknesses.
No one at Hasely Crawford Stadium was sure who the champion would be until defender Jang Sel-gi sent the ball past the Japanese goalkeeper for South Korea’s victory in the shootout.
It was South Korea that *nudged home the opening goal in the sixth minute with the first shot of the match. Midfielder Lee Jung-eun received a short pass and *rifled a 25-yard shot into the top corner past goalkeeper Eri Hirao.
With both teams in their first-ever final of a FIFA competition, the Japanese youngsters showed they were worthy of their place. They quickly picked themselves up and leveled the game in the 11th minute, and then took the lead six minutes later. The Korean defense managed to clear the ball from a packed penalty box but midfielder Hikaru Naomoto was first to the ball. She rounded an opponent and slammed home an *equalizer from about 30 yards with her left foot. Yoko Tanaka then scored from close range in the 17th.
As Japan continued to threaten the South Korean net, South Korea found an equalizer to end the first period 2-2. Captain Kim Ar-eum stepped up in a set-piece on the stroke of halftime and arrowed a 40 yard free kick into the net that saw the two teams start from scratch in the second half.
Japan re-took the lead in the 57th and South Korea responded in the 79th, before the two teams were forced into extra time tied at 3-3.
Striker Kumi Yokoyama penetrated from the left, looking to add to her tournament *tally of six goals. Kim Min-ah *deflected the 17-year-old Japanese striker’s effort, but forward Chika Kato put the ball into the net from the edge of the box.
*Substitute Lee So-dam sent the proceedings into overtime, as she *squared the match with a stunning shot from outside the penalty area.
The Asian finalists took the match into a penalty shootout, as the *squads remained scoreless in extra time, with neither team seriously threatening their opponent’s goal.
The ladies as well as the fans in the stadium held their breath for every moment of the penalty shootout. South Korean midfielder Lee Jung-eun, the first penalty-taker, could have been made to regret missing the nation’s chance at a historic win as her shot was saved by the Japanese keeper. Defender Naoko Wada then missed Japan’s second penalty.
The South Koreans claimed their first world title in any category of age or gender as Jang Sel-gi converted the team’s fifth attempt while Japanese defender Tomoko Muramatsu’s attempt hit the crossbar.
Meanwhile, North Korea lost 1-0 to Spain in the third-place match held at the same stadium. The Spaniard maintained their lead after scoring their winning goal in the 56th minute through striker Raquel Pinel to prevent the Asian squads from sweeping the top
three places.
My Opinion
At last, young ladies got to the summit in Trinidad and Tobago without outfits. Their one step was such a moment of adventure. It was so pitiful that girls of the same age bumped into global players with fragile bodies. However, the reliance and self-sacrifice of 23 young tigers were enough to overcome it, and the fruition was born in the final match.
Like Korea-Japan match, the game was so severe. It was no less than man's football game that many ladies got tangles for one ball. Sometimes the process of scoring a goal was so beautiful. The goal was scored in such a passing attack of FC Barcelona or a middle-distance shot. But Korea tied Japan three to three and took the match into a penalty shootout. Finally, Nike gave the World Cup to Korean ladies.
Yeo Min-ji is absolutely a hero of U-17 Women's World Cup. Her nickname is turtle. She's slow in everything. One is not true. She is a dragon on the field. Golden Boot and Golden Ball demonstrated her ability.
Tae-kuk mark got a star. This is self-esteem but shouldn't be self-conceit. With this burden on the chest, young ladies will prepare next World Cup.
*neck-and-neck : 막상막하의
*enthrall : vt. ~의 마음을 사로잡다
*nudge : vt. 슬쩍 찌르다
*rifle : vt. (공을) 굉장한 속도로 날리다
*equalizer : n. 동점이 되는 득점
*tally : n. (경기의) 득점
*deflect : vt. 빗나가게 하다
*substitute : n. 보결 선수
*square : vt.(시합을) 동점으로 만들다
*squad : n. 팀
Important sentence structure
reference materials
Members of the South Korean team celebrate with the cup after winning the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup against Japan at Hasely Crawford Stadium in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Sunday. The win marks South Korea’s first championship title ever in a FIFA-sponsored tournament in both men’s and women's football. / AFP-Yonhap

2012년 4월 27일 금요일

The possibility of life on Mars

Article Date
09-23-2010 16:05
Scrap Date
09-23-2010 17:15
The possibility of life on Mars
According to the BBC news on Sept. 6 (KST), a new research report that organic carbon elements, life composing substances, have been found on Mars.
“Scientists state there may be a life on Mars,” reported British news media BBC.
According to the BBC news on Sept. 6 (*KST), “There is a new research report that organic carbon elements, life composing substances, have been found on Mars,” implying the possibility of the existence of life on the planet.
The investigation robot Phoenix, which landed on Mars in 2008, found *perchlorate (HClO₄) in the north area. After NASA scientists studied the substance in the Atacama Desert, Chile, a place similar to Mars environmentally.
The scientists heated the desert sand with HClO₄. From the gas generated by heating, carbon dioxide and methyl chloride elements were extracted. This gas is the same as the gas generated when Viking landing modules heated the sand on Mars 30 years ago.
Earlier in 1976, Viking space probes 1 and 2 landed on Mars and drew media attention for discovering the carbon elements which signify the possibility of life.
“The new discovery made a great advancement in finding the evidence of life on Mars after the last discovery 30 years ago,” the BBC assessed.
However, to officially to confirm the real existence of proper organic elements from Mars, scientists will use the Curiosity probe on the new Mars research spaceship that will be launched in 2011.
“Concluding whether the organic elements are the proper elements of Mars or the components of a meteorite from another planet is not simple,” said an official of the research team. “The confirmation using a robotic probe will be the ultimate goal of the Mars investigation.”
My Opinion
From a long time, human beings have been curious about the existence of aliens. People have given full play to their imagination of the aliens. But with the development of science, some experiments have been made to step up to them. One of the fruitions is organic carbon elements, life composing substances, discovered in Mars, our neighborhood planet. Although organisms don't live in Mars, they'll be found somewhere in the space.
*KST : 한국표준시(Korea Standard Time)
*perchlorate : n. 과염소산염(HClO₄)
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