2012년 6월 12일 화요일

Good Reading Activities: (1) Common Errors in English Usage

This site arranges grammatic errors which English learners usually make. With brief contents, it's easy to read them and helps learners recognize the differences in the errors when reading.
The language of the reading activities isn't difficult to learners so given program matches the learners to the appropriate level of language.
It focuses on particular errors.
Because it just shows the errors usually made by learners there's no interaction with the computer to receive help.
There's no guidance for learners to work with classmates and contribute to online discussions. But there could be collaborative activities if they are developed.
The activities provide explicit instruction to teach specific linguistic points found in the texts. But there's no program which comes with materials to help you pre-teach and develop follow-up activities.
There's no bulletin board for users so feedback can't be made about learners' responses
Also there's no program providing evaluation of learning outcomes through quizzes.
The activities promote good language learning and reading strategies, especially how to find and correct errors.
Also learners can easily access to the list of errors on the site so it helps them work with electronic texts outside of class.

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