2012년 6월 12일 화요일

Good Reading Activities: (3) THE KOREA TIMES

On the site of "THE KOREA TIMES", you can read the articles and translated ones, and listen to ones.
The language of the reading activities depends on what articles about, so the learners had better choose what to read appropriate to their level. And there's no means of matching the learners to the appropriate level of language.
Most articles are written in 5Ws, so the activities help learners focus on 5Ws in reading.
There are translated script and computerized voice in male and female which reads the article.
News article is one of the best method of discussion so guides learners to work with classmates and contribute to online discussions.
There's no explicit instruction to teach specific linguistic points found in the texts because the site just show the articles. But using them, related materials help you pre-teach and develop follow-up activities.
Learners can type replies below the articles.
There's no evaluation to check learning outcomes.
The activities really promote good language learning and reading strategies.
Also the activities provide guidance in helping learners develop strategies that will help them work with electronic texts outside of class.

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