2012년 5월 18일 금요일

Heir 6th most powerful man in North Korea

Article Date
10-11-2010 19:46
Scrap Date
10-12-2010 6:54
Heir 6th most powerful man in North Korea
North Korean heir Kim Jong-un, the youngest son of leader Kim Jong-il, has risen to become the sixth-most powerful figure in the country.
North Korean heir Kim Jong-un, the youngest son of leader Kim Jong-il, has risen to become the sixth-most powerful *figure in the country, Japan’s Kyodo News Agency reported Sunday.
★Reports by the North’s state-run media since Kim, thought to be 27, was officially made *heir apparent have mentioned him fifth in the order of names listed ― interpreted by some as being in direct correlation to his rank. On the lists he followed his father; Kim Yong-nam, president of the *Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly; Premier Choe Yong-rim; and Ri Yong-ho, chief of the general staff of the Korean People's Army.
But according to Kyodo ― who sent a reporter to Pyongyang over the weekend to cover the massive celebration marking the 65th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Workers’ Party ― Jong-un also ranks behind Vice Army Marshall Jo Myong-rok, who is currently on sick leave.
The high-ranking figures, with the exception of the heir apparent, comprise the ultra-exclusive standing committee of the party’s political *bureau, headed by the elder Kim.
According to the report, Jo is currently sick, and upon his return, will take the fifth slot among the power *echelon, *bumping Jong-un to sixth.
The observation came on the same day that the leader-in-waiting made his public debut in Pyongyang, observing a massive military parade at his father’s side. The event was *broadcast on live television throughout the country, and even had the rare presence of foreign journalists, *underscoring the magnitude of the event.
On Friday, Yang Hyong-sop, a senior North Korean official, confirmed the power succession in an interview with the Associated Press Television News, saying that North Koreans have “the honor of serving the young Gen. Kim Jong-un.”
The younger Kim was elevated to four-star general status and given a key *post at a rare party gathering late last month, signaling his designation as successor. Analysts say the process to make him leader is being fast tracked due to the *deteriorating health of his 68-year-old father.
My Opinion
Because of the conflict of liberalism and communism, many people hurt or died and many wars frequently broke out. These disputes also reached Korea, and the terrible sight has remained by these days.
We know how hurtful it was and take the initiative to alleviate the pain. By the way, Kim Jeong-eun, Kim Jeong-il's son, gonna be his heir. Racial vicious circle keeps repeating. According to articles, the son of Kim may be more stubborn than his father. How can it happen?
*figure : n. (보통 수식어와 함께) (중요한) 인물; 명사(名士)
*heir apparent : 법정 상속인
*Presidium : n. (the ∼; 종종 the P-) (공산주의 국가의) 상임 간부회
*bureau : n. [美] (관청의) 국(局)([英] department)
*echelon : n. (종종 pl.) (지휘 계통·조직 등의) 단계, 계층
*bump : vt. (속어) (자리를 대신 차지하여) 밀어내다(oust)
*broadcast : a. (한정용법으로) 방송의, 방송된[될]
*underscore : vt. 강조하다
*post : n. 지위; 근무처; 직
*deteriorate : vt. (질·건강·날씨 등이) 나빠지다, 악화[저하]하다,
Important sentence structure
(by the North’s state-run media) 부사절[since , [who had been thought to be 27], officially made ] fifth (in the order of names [which have been listed]) ― [(=and it is) interpreted (by some) 전치사as 명사구[being (in direct correlation) (to his rank)]].
→27살로 여겨지는 김정은이 공식적으로 법정 상속인이 된 이래로 북한 국영 언론의 기사는 그의 이름이 서열 5위에 올려져있다고 언급했는데, 이것은 그의 서열에 직접적인 상관관계가 있다고 해석된다.
-interpret A as B : A를 B로 해석하다.
reference materials

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