2012년 5월 11일 금요일

Magnet affects handedness

Article Date
10-01-2010 00:25
Scrap Date
10-6-2010 7:15
Magnet affects handedness
The experiment, conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, has proved a powerful magnetic field placed near the head, a person can be turned from right to left-handed.
★Britain’s “Daily Mail” reported Sept. 28 that an experiment has proved a powerful magnetic field placed near the head, a person can be turned from right to left-handed.
The experiment, conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, observed the effect a magnet had when it was placed on the right and left sides of the head while right-handed subjects reached for an object with one hand of their choice.
The result showed that there was no significant difference when the magnet was on the right side, while placing it on the left side caused more frequent use of the left hand.
Such a phenomenon is called “*trans-cranial magnetic stimulation,” where a weak current is generated in the brain by the magnetic field, interrupting the regular function of nearby brain cells.
“We found that in situations where people are almost equally likely to use their left or right hand we can make them use their left hand more by stimulating this part of the brain,” said Dr. Flavio Oliveira, who was in charge of the study. “We are handicapping one of the hands so that the other one wins.”
The main purpose of the experiment was to see how brain functions when a simple task such as grabbing a pencil or pushing a button was carried out.
My Opinion
How interesting! It's surprising that simple scientific theory can change someone's nature. If left-handed person put the magnet on his or her right side, everyday life could be more comfortable. Someone could kick a ball with the right foot or shake by the right hand.
But artificial change could be dangerous if it became excessive. Possibly, changed person can be confused to choose which hand to use. That's because in some cases, right or left hand shouldn't be used for manners.
It's easy to change our given things with technology in a day. However, it's hard to take responsibility for the results. Thanks to this technology, I speculate about my nature.
*trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) : 경두개 자기 자극
Important sentence structure
(Sept. 28) 목적어절[that 목적어절[that [when is (near the head)], (from right to left-handed)]].
→9월 28일(현지시간) 영국의 일간지 ‘데일리메일’은 강한 자기가 흘러나오는 자석을 뇌에 가까이 할 경우 뇌에 잠시 혼란을 일으켜 오른손잡이가 왼손잡이로 변한다는 것이 실험을 통하여 밝혀졌다고 보도했다.
- Adverb Clause → Participial Construction
①Ellipsis of Conjunctive
②Ellipsis of the Subject
(The Subject of Subordinate Clause = The Subject of Main Clause)
③Ellipsis of 'be' verb
(If possible, when a subjective complement of a subordinate clause is an
adjective, 'be' verb isn't omitted.)
reference materials

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