2012년 4월 27일 금요일

The possibility of life on Mars

Article Date
09-23-2010 16:05
Scrap Date
09-23-2010 17:15
The possibility of life on Mars
According to the BBC news on Sept. 6 (KST), a new research report that organic carbon elements, life composing substances, have been found on Mars.
“Scientists state there may be a life on Mars,” reported British news media BBC.
According to the BBC news on Sept. 6 (*KST), “There is a new research report that organic carbon elements, life composing substances, have been found on Mars,” implying the possibility of the existence of life on the planet.
The investigation robot Phoenix, which landed on Mars in 2008, found *perchlorate (HClO₄) in the north area. After NASA scientists studied the substance in the Atacama Desert, Chile, a place similar to Mars environmentally.
The scientists heated the desert sand with HClO₄. From the gas generated by heating, carbon dioxide and methyl chloride elements were extracted. This gas is the same as the gas generated when Viking landing modules heated the sand on Mars 30 years ago.
Earlier in 1976, Viking space probes 1 and 2 landed on Mars and drew media attention for discovering the carbon elements which signify the possibility of life.
“The new discovery made a great advancement in finding the evidence of life on Mars after the last discovery 30 years ago,” the BBC assessed.
However, to officially to confirm the real existence of proper organic elements from Mars, scientists will use the Curiosity probe on the new Mars research spaceship that will be launched in 2011.
“Concluding whether the organic elements are the proper elements of Mars or the components of a meteorite from another planet is not simple,” said an official of the research team. “The confirmation using a robotic probe will be the ultimate goal of the Mars investigation.”
My Opinion
From a long time, human beings have been curious about the existence of aliens. People have given full play to their imagination of the aliens. But with the development of science, some experiments have been made to step up to them. One of the fruitions is organic carbon elements, life composing substances, discovered in Mars, our neighborhood planet. Although organisms don't live in Mars, they'll be found somewhere in the space.
*KST : 한국표준시(Korea Standard Time)
*perchlorate : n. 과염소산염(HClO₄)
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