2013년 11월 18일 월요일


Let's look into "Go Animate"

 This is the main page of "Go Animate." If you want to make a video, click "Make a video" marked with a red circle above.

This is the page of making and editting your video. 
Search and stock characters you want.
Put talking or thinking cloud in the scene.
Choose background.
Choose props with characters.
Add background music or sound effects.
Add scene effects.
Preview while you’re making a video. Or save it.
Check the timeline of the video.
Set up the scenes or add it more.
The scene.
 If you are done with your video, you can play the video or there are some functions.
Share or export your video to other websites or web blog.
Edit video if you want.
Set up the information of the video.
Delete your video if you REALLY want.
More videos other people made.
Comments or Favorites from other people to your video.
 With "Go Animate," as a language teacher, you can encourage your students make a video to get to know many genres of communication. You let arouse students' automacy because they set up the story and talks by themselves. 


<Go Animate>
I'm going to specifically talk about “Go Animate.” This Web-tool for teaching speaking, which is based on some approaches and techniques below.
Speaking is "the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts" (Chaney, 1998, p. 13). To help students to practice speaking in the target language:
● Produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns
Use word and sentence stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the second language.
Select appropriate words and sentences according to the proper social setting, audience, situation and subject matter.
Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence.
Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.
Use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which is called as fluency. (Nunan, 2003)
“Go Animate” is a tool of Computer-Mediated Communication, so-called CMC. CMC is an umbrella term which refers to human communication via computers (Herring, 2001). A distinction can be made between synchronous CMC, where interaction takes place in real time, and asynchronous CMC, where participants are not necessarily online simultaneously. “Go Animate” is a website for making a flash clip and uploading to the site, so it is a tool of asynchronous CMC. “CMC allows language learners with network access to communicate with other learners or speakers of the target language” (Kern & Warschauer, 2000, pp. 11-12).

2013년 10월 19일 토요일

CALL Review II

There are two listening activities. One is Top-down listening activity and the other is Bottom-up listening activity. Top-down listening activity is refers to the use of background knowledge in understanding the meaning of the message. Background knowledge consists of context, that is, the situation and topic, and co-text, in other words, what came before and after. For example, I listen to a news of discovering a planet very far away which is similar to the Earth. Then, I think of background knowledge of planet, observatory, space, etc. So I understand the content of the news. On the other hand, Bottom-up listening activity is the comprehension achieved by dividing and decoding the sound signal bit by bit, where the ability to separate the stream of speech into individual words becomes more important. For example, I ask a native for finding a location on my map. Then, he/she tells me where it is pointing to the map. Then, I listen to what he/she says and try to find what the key words are among the speech.
For those two activities, Podcast can be useful. Podcast is a compound word of iPod and broadcasting. Bloggers post audio or video files to download on their blogs. Podcatchers (ex. iTunes or Winamp) are used to automatically identify and download new files. Updated new files can be downloaded and stored into individual user’s PC.

 For instance, "BBC World Service: English We speak" is a good listening material among podcasts. On this web, BBC uploads listening files categorized in various areas. You can listen to many kinds of listening files or even download them. Also, you can easily set up RSS(Really Simple Syndication) on your blog which allows web publishers to have other people's content displayed on their own web pages. It is called "Feeding."